10 Things We Learned From VICE’s Dark Side Of The Ring: New Jack

6. He Warned Paul Heyman About The 'Mass Transit' Incident

Paul Heyman New Jack

The infamous 'Mass Transit' incident has been explored in-depth before, but never like this.

There's zero remorse in New Jack's voice as he remembers "beating the sh*t" out of 17-year old Erich Kulas at an ECW event in November 1996. In fact, Jack didn't care one bit when people told him in 2002 that Kulas had died ("So? It wasn't my fault"). Looking back, it all seems so reckless and preventable.

Backstage, Jack says he asked Paul Heyman how far he could go with the rookie. In a moment he'd probably come to regret, Paul E said he could do whatever he liked - illustrating his chilling mindset at the time, Jack told Heyman people would be talking about that night for "10 years". He wasn't lying. Folks still talk about it 24 years on.

After speaking with Heyman and warning his boss that things would get seriously violent, Jack got high in the locker room and told D-Von Dudley to stay out of the ring once The Gangstas threw him over the top rope. He'd already decided he was going to hurt Kulas before the match even started.

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