10 Things We Learned From VICE's Chyna Documentary

7. Vince McMahon Didn’t Like The Idea

Chyna VICE

The most important man in wrestling didn't like it.

Various interview clips with Chyna reveal that Triple H told her he was having a tough time selling Vince on the thought of a female bodyguard. Both he and Shawn Michaels (who would've had way more influence than Trips in 1997) had to push hard to even get her in the door at all, let alone as Hunter's second.

McMahon had a very specific vision for women in his company. They were largely helpless figures who needed men to fight their battles for them, so it must've been agonising for an alpha male like Vince to look at Chyna, see how powerful she was and admit defeat.

Kevin Nash described Vince as "a man's man", which is one way to put it. The wrestling industry (and, indeed, society as a whole) wasn't quite ready to present women as equals. That's damning now, but it's the truth. Chyna planned to change that.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.