10 Things We Learned From Vince Russo On Stone Cold's Podcast

3. The Undertaker Was The First Man Ever To Knock Stone Cold Out

Steve Austin podcast

In discussing the main event for SummerSlam 1998 we uncover a golden nugget of trivia. The Undertaker was the first man to ever knock Steve Cold out cold! He'd had bad injuries in his life previously, both before and during his wrestling career. Most wrestling fans will remember the terrible neck injury he suffered when in-ring with Owen Hart. However he was thirty three years old before anyone gave him an actual concussion.

During the match, Stone Cold came off the ropes and went to give a prone Undertaker a kick to the chest. The Deadman's stood straight up, catching his head on Austin's chin and knocked him out cold. Stone Cold came round with referee Earl Hebner looking down on him.

His first words were simple - "Where am I???".

"!*$% boy, you're in the Garden!", a smiling Hebner replied.

Stone Cold has no memory of the rest of the match.


Intergalactic leather jacket salesman looking for one last score.