10 Things We Learned From William Regal On Talk Is Jericho

9. How He Helped Jericho In WCW

William Regal Talk Is Jericho

The class didn't stop there.

Jericho revealed that Regal was one of the first guys to greet him when he arrived in WCW back in 1996. Chris Benoit had given the then-Lord Steven a heads up that his Canadian buddy was incoming, and Regal wanted to make sure that Jericho would be settled in the United States.

As an Englishman, he knew firsthand what it was like to move to a strange new place, and he also figured some would find it similarly difficult to acclimatise. During this portion of the interview, Regal talked about how he'd go out of his way to help the countless Mexican wrestlers who landed in WCW too.

Then, he quipped, "If I'd known you were actually American, I wouldn't have bothered!". That brought some levity to an otherwise-adorable expose on Regal's supportive ways. It's so lovely that he looked out for everybody even when he didn't have to.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.