10 Things We Learned From William Regal On Talk Is Jericho

6. An Injury Nobody Knew About

William Regal Talk Is Jericho

Regal choked up when he told this particular story.

Remember that rib WWE played on William during the 10 November 2011 episode of Superstars? If you're unsure, then just know that the company played Regal's old, "Real man's man" track mid-way through his entrance. It was tremendous fun.

24 hours earlier, William had torn the meniscus in one of his knees during a house show match vs. Bryan in Birmingham. He still made the Superstars taping in Liverpool, because he knew he didn't have much wrestling left in him and had been enjoying the live event loop with Danielson - there was just no way he was missing out on more.

Docs told him he couldn't wrestle, but Regal was determined to put Bryan over. "If there's one person I want to have my last match with, it's him". The guy could barely walk though, and he got teary-eyed when he recalled how majestically Danielson carried him through the match without hurting his leg.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.