10 Things We Learned From William Regal On Talk Is Jericho

3. One Of His Genius Scouting Techniques

William Regal Talk Is Jericho

Then, Regal revealed one of his ingenious scouting techniques.

Whether he was scouting talent for WWE at a bigger indy show or a tiny spot show in the middle of nowhere, William would always try to stand somewhere that was eye level with the ring canvas. Why? Well, that’s what WWE cameras aim for, so he wanted to see how wrestlers worked comparable to how WWE’s hard cam might pick it up.

"Then you can see through the tricks”, he offered. That’s so simple, but totally genius. By doing this, Regal could give wrestlers advice on how to improve and get to where they wanted to go. He was always proud of the idea that fans couldn’t see through his own tricks as a full-timer, and he knew what WWE wanted to see anyway.

Some indy workers didn’t like it, but the great man was only trying to help. He understood how Vinnie Mac's operation worked; wrestlers only get a limited time to impress, and it's crucial that they do certain things properly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.