10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Chapter One)

2. It Makes The Reigns Match Look So Much More Epic

The Undertaker Roman Reigns WrestleMania 33

This writer was there in attendance at the Camping World Stadium for WrestleMania 33, and he's hardly delighted to tell you that the Reigns vs. 'Taker main event felt like a miss in person. The botched Tombstone reversal spot was painful enough, but it was also obvious that both were toiling with the task of living up to the grandiose billing their headliner had.

Take a bow, WWE's production team.

As always, they made the bout look so much more epic and entertaining than it actually was. WWE's unit are one of the best video teams in the entire entertainment industry (not just the wrestling biz), and this is yet more proof of their skills. They somehow mask every flaw in the match without shying away from some of the less-impressive flubs.

Anyone watching this who has never seen Reigns vs. 'Taker would be forgiven for thinking it was a rollercoaster ride to rival 'Mania 33's Universal-themed set. It wasn't, and is best-viewed in this highlight reel of slow-mo bumps, spots and kickouts.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.