10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Chapter One)

3. "Screw Your Camera Guy"

The Undertaker Roman Reigns
WWE Network

You might need some light relief from all the bubbling emotion, so here it is.

Early in 'The Last Ride', 'Taker is shown arriving at the airport in Orlando a few days before 'Mania 33. As he's standing at the desk doing business, Roman Reigns sneaks up from behind and doesn't say a word. When The Undertaker clocks him out the corner of his eye, he jokes, "Really? You can't kayfabe for 10 minutes?".

This naturally jovial exchange is brief, but it's another win for WWE's film because it shows a lighter side to Mark Calaway when he's not working his legendary gimmick. To his credit (and perhaps a little shockingly considering he must've known what was going on at the time), Reigns fires back with a quick, "Screw your camera guy".

The pair come across like high school buddies ribbing one another in the lunch line, and it's actually quite endearing to see play out. Later in the doc, 'Taker shows respect for Roman by entertaining him and his wife with stories during the Hall Of Fame.

Great stuff.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.