10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Chapter One)

10. The Trademark Eye Roll Was Adlibbed

The Undertaker Eye Roll
WWE Network

The main focus of chapter one is The Undertaker's match with Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 33, but that doesn't mean WWE didn't try to throw in a few gems for old-school fans too. One of the best came mere minutes into the documentary.

That trademark eye roll gimmick? Yep, it was never planned as part of his act.

'Taker recalls working a TV match against Greg Valentine and choking 'Hammer' in the corner. As he worked the spot, he noticed a corner cam getting cozy with the action, so he rolled his eyes back into his skull and stared down the lens. When he returned backstage post-match, the rest of the roster were abuzz over that one pose.

Bobby Heenan had quipped on commentary, "Look at that, Monsoon - he has no eyeballs". His call, along with the sudden nature of the spot, caught everyone by surprise. According to 'Taker, it was an off-the-cuff ad-lib that he didn't think much of until people freaked out.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.