10 Things We Learned From WWE’s Undertaker: The Last Ride (Final Chapter)
4. He Ribbed AJ (Via Vince)
Never tug on Superman's cape, never spit into the wind and never turn down the opportunity for a good old-fashioned rib when it presents itself. That could easily be The Undertaker's mantra, 'cause he couldn't resist being a meddling dick one last time to one of his proposed opponents.
Once he'd mentally established that yes, he did want to work with AJ at 'Mania, 'Taker phoned Vince and spread the good news. Then, apparently feeling like playing the prankster, he told McMahon to ring up Styles and tell him that he'd elected to work with somebody else instead.
That's what Vince did. He told a bemused AJ that there was "some kid in Tennessee that Mark wants to get over". To his credit, Styles wasn't buying it. He could spot a rib when he saw one, and he knew both Vince and Calaway were full of it.
In reality, 'Taker knew for a fact that there was "nobody else" he would've come back for.