10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: Sting

7. WWE Didn’t Entertain Sting’s Wishes On The Undertaker

Undertaker Bray Wyatt

After the pleasantries, Sting sat down with Triple H to discuss what he wanted from a relationship with WWE. The video game and talking head stuff came up, but Trips was happy to hear that Sting fancied working some matches too. Specifically, he had The Undertaker right at the top of his own personal list.

Triple H and WWE said no immediately.

They'd already pencilled 'Taker in for a feud with Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 31, and they weren't willing to budge just to accommodate someone else. That'll infuriate most wrestling fans, because Sting vs. The Undertaker is still one of the most sought after matches in history despite one half being retired and the other a part-time attraction.

Hearing Triple H remark that 'Taker was "unavailable" should get fists clenching. The Wyatt rivalry was hardly must-see when push came to shove, and there's no doubt Sting and The Undertaker would have been much bigger.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.