10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: Sting

6. Road Dogg Believes ‘Taker vs. Sting Is Better “In Our Dreams”

Sting The Undertaker Wresltemania

To Road Dogg, it would've been a disappointment.

Keep those fists clenched, 'cause the D-Generation X favourite chipped in with his own thoughts that 'Taker vs. Sting is the kind of match that fans romanticise without thinking of reality. Dogg claims it's a good thing the match didn't happen in 2015 (or at any point after), and feels a 'what if' scenario is more fun to think about.

Everyone is entitled to their view, but it's hard to agree with Road Dogg here. Fans had yearned to see Sting's 'Crow' character go up against 'The Deadman' for a generation, and WWE had the chance to pull the trigger on that fantasy. It was right there at their fingertips, yet they decided against it so 'Taker could get a moral-boosting post-Streak win over Bray Wyatt.

If WWE and Sting knew he only had a handful of matches (at best) in his tank, then one of them should have been with The Undertaker. There's no amount of company spin that can change that from being fact. Sorry, Dogg.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.