10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: Sting

5. There’s A Mini TNA Dig

Sting Tna

The bulk of Untold is about telling the story of how Sting's match with Triple H at 'Mania 31 came about and then examining how ready Sting was for such a spectacle. Right in the middle of all this talk about Sting being excited about wrestling Trips, the WWE leader manages to get a little dig at TNA in there.

It's subtle, but it's definitely there.

Triple H said that Sting hadn't done anything in-ring for a while, "at least not on a major level". That's your dig in the ribs, folks. The Stinger had literally finished up with TNA a year or so ago, and he had visibly kept himself in shape afterwards. Triple H's comments made it sound like he hadn't wrestled properly since the WCW days.

Maybe it wasn't meant to sound like that. Maybe 'The Game' was referring to the 12 months off as a potential problem, which is fair enough. It doesn't come across that way though. It comes out like Sting's TNA run was an afterthought.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.