10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: WCW's Big Bang

10. Bischoff Admits Taking Advantage Of The Russo Uproar

eric bischoff vince russo

WCW bosses were shocked and stunned when Vince Russo, the so-called architect of WWF domination, failed to turn around their fading fortunes in late-1999. Shaken, they phoned up Eric Bischoff (the man they'd previously turned their backs on) and asked for some suggestions.

The gave Eric power, and he gladly accepted it.

To his credit, Bischoff doesn't shy away from honesty in 'Untold'. He says it as it is. WCW needed him more than ever, and he took advantage of the Russo mess to "write his own ticket" back into the company. In another candid moment, Bisch admits to believing WCW had died in 1998. He didn't feel like he was returning to the organisation he had once loved in 2000.

Still, he was willing to try it on and see what might come of things. That led to the soft relaunch and New Blood vs. Millionaire's Club feud that, ultimately, again failed to save WCW from sagging ratings and fan unrest over the product.

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