10 Things We Learned From WWE Untold: WCW's Big Bang

8. Jerry Jarrett Warned Jeff Ownership Was About To Change

Hulk Hogan Bash At The Beach 2000

According to Eric Bischoff, conversations took place between he and Turner top brass as early as the summer of 2000. The general feeling was that WCW was staler than week old bread, and it needed fresh ideas if it was ever going to prosper again. At that point, even as WCW geared up for Bash At The Beach in July, talks were ongoing.

Jerry Jarrett must've known a thing or two, because he told his son Jeff that change was afoot. At the time, Jeff didn't believe his father's ramblings, and he put them down to speculation. To Jarrett Jr, it seemed impossible that anyone at Turner or AOL/Time Warner would be willing to cede control of a company that, whilst fragile, still had potential.

So, Jeff ignored Jerry, and it wasn't until 2001 that he realised daddy dearest had been ahead of the curve. Jerry was privy to information and was talking to enough of the right people that he could see the end was nigh for WCW as people knew it.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.