10 Things We Learned Jim Cornette's WCW 1989 Timeline Kayfabe Commentaries Shoot

3. The Dynamic Dudes Were The Brainchild Of Jim Ross

Even WWE Hall Of Fame announcer Jim Ross isn't safe from a roasting from Jim Cornette during his look back at WCW in 1989. Looking to recreate the success of the highly-regarded tag-team The Rock N' Roll Express, Ross helped put together The Dynamic Dudes, surely one of the most dorky, unlikable good guy tandems of all time. Comprised of Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace, the Dudes carried skateboards to the ring, despite never actually being able to ride the things. As Cornette explains, Ross had noticed that skateboarding had become hip and trendy, so he wanted to capitalise on that pop culture phenomenon with this new tag-team. It backfired spectacularly, The Dynamic Dudes were horrible, and didn't even come close to replicating the success experienced by Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson as The Rock N' Roll Express. Cornette attributes this mainly to Ace, who had "2 left feet" and didn't complement the young and talented Douglas at all.

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