10 Things We Need To See At WrestleMania 33

1. Victory For Bray Wyatt

wrestlemania 33 poster

In the WWE Championship match between Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton, we have a rivalry that’s been some six months in the making and is now perfectly poised to reach its boiling point at WrestleMania 33. And when that happens, given the histories—and to a degree, the futures—of each man involved, it’s starting to look like a match that should be ending in a win for the defending champion Wyatt.

It could be argued that the story calls for an Orton victory, given that he’s the babyface. Although, he did burn down the burial site of Wyatt’s Sister Abigail, so even that point could easily be contended...

On the other side of the equation, though, Wyatt’s still waiting for his first WrestleMania win, having previously lost to John Cena and The Undertaker, before he and his Family essentially jobbed out to The Rock last year. Orton, meanwhile, has multiple wins at the PPV to his name, while he’s also left the show as world champion before.

Plus, after years of being on the verge of greatness, Wyatt finally seems to be in a position to solidify his status as a major player. After winning the title, he then beat both AJ Styles and John Cena two days later on SmackDown, so it would seem a little counter-intuitive to undo that good work by feeding him a comparative an old-timer like Orton.

In more ways than one, it’s looking like the time is right to pull the trigger on the Bray Wyatt mega-push. And what better place to do that than WrestleMania 33?


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