10 Things We Need To See At WrestleMania 33

2. Let Roman Reigns And The Undertaker Improvise

wrestlemania 33 poster

In The Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns, we’ve got ourselves a probable WrestleMania match that will likely deliver the goods in the ring, but may nonetheless draw the ire of the crowd and many more watching at home.

As is too often the case with Reigns, having him feature in one of the most coveted spots on the entire card hasn’t been a popular decision. However, it does present an interesting opportunity for their match.

With Reigns a firm favourite of the casual fans, but one of the most widely despised amongst the hardcores, chances are he’s in for a mixed, if not hostile, reception from the Orlando crowd at ‘Mania. But rather than committing one way or another towards Reigns being a heel or face, the show may benefit from simply allowing the two potential opponents to feel out the crowd on the night and take their match from there.

Sure, it’s quite an ask, especially of a relative rookie like Reigns. But adapting on the fly in accordance with the crowd—much like Hulk Hogan and The Rock did so excellently in 2002—could provide that special something that transforms their prospective WrestleMania meeting from a good one to a great one.


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