10 Things Wrestling Fans Found Too Distracting

7. Those Damn Beach Balls

Cesaro Beach Ball
WWE Network

Take a bow, Cesaro.

He was the one who ended the beach ball craze that blighted WWE for a while. You know the one: WWE fans would sneak a ball into the arena, blow it up, throw it high up into the air and everyone would go, "Yay! Yay! Yay!" whenever somebody successfully bounced it back up into the lights.

They'd also shout, "Boooooo!" if someone failed to keep the thing up in the air. That had to be infuriating for wrestlers attempting to put on a watchable match, and it was damn distracting when watching at home too. It's hard to concentrate on Cesaro's technical wizardry and joint manipulation when some folks are going all Spring Break party live on air.

Cesaro decided to leave the ring and burst one such ball during a match, and a portion of the crowd lapped it up. Thankfully, his actions didn't encourage others to try and get their erm...balls on camera by bringing more to tapings.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.