10 Things WWE Actually Got Right In 2019

1. KofiMania

Baron Corbin King

When forced to replace a performer last minute, WWE have developed a reputation for over delivering. When they booked mid-card stalwart Kofi Kingston to replace an injured Ali in a TV gauntlet match, they cannot have known the chain of events they were setting off.

Kofi of course deserves all credit for the star making performance that forced him into the main event scene and capitalising on that performance was the obvious step.

Still, WWE deserve praise for how they booked the story. Another in-ring showcase and near-win stoked fan fervour at Elimination Chamber. Then, at Fastlane, the company played into its own history of squashing organic fan favourites.

Fans at home and in the arena were furious when Kofi was demolished by The Bar and denied a title shot but WWE were right to prolong Kingston’s chase right up until WrestleMania. It provided the biggest possible audience for Kofi’s instant classic match with Daniel Bryan and gave us all an indelible WrestleMania moment.

In this post: 
King Corbin
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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.