10 Things WWE Actually Got Right In 2019
9. AJ Styles’ Heel Turn
So far, WWE seem to be handling Seth Rollins’ heel turn pretty well but we can’t give them too much credit because, A) we need to wait and see how it pans out and, B) WWE didn’t make the turn until the decision was basically forced upon them.
They can however, take some credit for AJ making a similar switch this year. Having made his name elsewhere there were those who felt AJ would never top McMahon’s tree, with Vince preferring to back his own, home grown stars. So it was good to see ‘The Face That Runs The Place’ earn an extended run with the company’s top title. That said, as the company’s top face, AJ could be a touch on the bland side.
With his career slowly winding down as he moves to a lighter schedule, his new role as an upper mid-card heel is perfect for him. While not as natural on the mic as some of his peers he still makes for an amusing d*ckhead.
Plus he’s got enough credibility to absorb losses and retain his aura. He was a great choice to rock up on NXT shouting the odds and he could be the perfect gatekeeper to the main event scene. WWE haven’t always used him that way but that’s another story entirely.