10 Things WWE Actually Got Right In 2019

8. Bringing Back King Of The Ring

Baron Corbin King

Watching Baron Corbin swagger around with a sceptre, smugly delivering mediocre promos and eating up TV time to the amusement of no one, it’s tempting to think that bringing back King Of The Ring was a drastic misstep.

Let’s not forget however, WWE have long since pushed the limits of fans’ tolerance for ‘The Lone Wolf’. The company even directly blamed him for poor TV ratings last year. Still they kept him hanging around the main event scene. There’s no reason to think Corbin’s push would’ve ended, with or without the tournament. He’s just the same irritant he ever was.

What King Of The Ring did do was provide a bunch of mid-card guys with a bit of actual storyline motivation, something to fight for and several weeks of quality TV matches. It even brought the best out of King Corbin himself, demonstrating a new vicious streak instead of just settling in for a nice long rest hold.

Besides, he was the best choice to win. Chad Gable is the better wrestler but none us wants to see him forced to walk around with a crown on. Corbin can take a cheesy gimmick because he isn’t credible anyway.

In this post: 
King Corbin
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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.