10 Things WWE Can Learn From Wrestle Kingdom 12

4. Simplicity

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Wrestle Kingdom 12
NJPW 1972

It seems a little harsh to compare one of the worst WrestleMania world title matches in recent memory with a bout that drew universal acclaim as recently as last week - but there's a point be made here.

Randy Orton versus Bray Wyatt at WM 33 last year came off the heels of a slow-burn storyline in which The Viper infiltrated The Eater of Worlds' close-knit band of brothers in order to destroy them from within.

None of that was particularly bad - but, on the night, it suffered from being overly-elaborate. Instead of a straight wrestling match between two objectively gifted performers, we got lights-out arena effects and slideshow projections of cockroaches.

By contrast, Kazuchika Okada and Tetsuya Naito simply contested a 30-minute-plus match built primarily around the IWGP Heavyweight Title and both performers' conviction that they were the very best in the world. The booking was simple and stripped-back, exactly the kind of thing that goes over well in today's so-called "reality" era.
