10 Things WWE Can Learn From Wrestle Kingdom 12

3. A Strong Undercard

Chris Jericho Kenny Omega Wrestle Kingdom 12
NJPW World

Traditionally, Wrestle Kingdom has drawn praise for its stunning main events but criticism for a comparatively weak undercard on which some of the matches fail to deliver anything beyond a few moments of comic relief.

This year, that all changed. The top-billed matches were every bit as good as usual, but the undercard was significantly improved thanks to matches like the IWGP Junior Heavyweight four-way and Kota Ibushi versus Cody, which went on third.

Everyone on the show brought their A-game, and the effect of this was that you, as a viewer, constantly felt like you were watching something big. All of the wrestlers seemed special, as though their place on the card had been earned instead of merely awarded.

There are a whole host of WWE pay-per-views from 2017 which show Vince McMahon and co have a long way to go to reach this sort of standard. We've been stuck watching last-minute bonus bouts and nondescript Cruiserweight Title matches for too long - and it can really effect the atmosphere in the arena.
