10 Things WWE Did Right At Payback

1. Exciting Main Event Match Proved WWE Future Is Bright

The main event was the best match of the night as Seth Rollins successfully defended the WWE Title against Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Randy Orton, who was pinned after Rollins hit a Pedigree in tribute to his mentor Triple H. In addition to those four guys, we also saw a lot of interference from Kane, Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury, all of whom did everything to help Rollins win. Like most fatal fourway matches, there were a lot of spots where guys hit big moves, did a cover and then somebody else broke it up. That's just the formula for these kinds of matches. Kane was able to take out Ambrose with the steel steps and dropped Reigns with Chokeslam on the steps. That's what allowed Rollins to hit the Pedigree. It didn't look perfect, but it got the job done. The trio of Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose are going to main event many WWE shows in the next 5-10 years and the quality of those matches will be very high. The Shield were awesome together, but seeing them grow as singles performers is even better for WWE's future. Some people may not like Reigns because they feel he was pushed too far too soon, but he's proving in his PPV matches that he belongs. Rollins is the best overall performer in WWE. He's on his way to being the best complete wrestler in the company for the second year in a row. As for Ambrose, he's still ascending and has a connection with the fans that is pretty special. It was the right move to have Orton get pinned too. He'll fine despite the loss. Rollins can still have singles PPV title defenses against Ambrose and Reigns, so it's better to not pin them. Every time that Shield trio has main evented a PPV like Payback they have delivered an above average match. We can definitely get used to that.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.