10 Things WWE Did Right At Payback

2. The Brief Shield Reunion During WWE Title Match

There's no question that the most memorable part of the night was The Shield reunion that occurred during the WWE Title match. The move happened because Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose were all outside the ring with Randy Orton. They realized that they had to try to take Orton out, so the three Shield guys worked together for a Triple Powerbomb where Reigns delivered the move while Rollins and Ambrose were on the side They followed up that big spot with a funny moment where all three guys were happy and Rollins was the happiest. He wanted them to do a Shield pose, but they refused that. Ambrose and Reigns beat up Rollins soon after with a spot that included giving a Powerbomb to Kane while Rollins was on another table. It was very smart to book a spot like that because the crowd was really into it, the announcers got very excited for it and everybody watching at home was likely marking out as well. A spot like that is something that some fans probably thought might happen, but until you see it actually happen you have no idea if it will take place. We're glad it did. https://twitter.com/WWE/status/600130259892047872 It's too soon to do The Shield reunion because it's more important to establish all three guys as main event performers, but when that day comes next year or years down the road it's going to be a very big deal. We'll always remember Payback for that tease that was so well done.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.