10 Things WWE Did Wrong At The Royal Rumble

7. Too Many Jobbers

The Royal Rumble was easily the most glaring example of how shallow the WWE roster is right now, to the point that it's almost alarming. This is a company that is hurting for big-name superstars, works to damage the value of the ones they do have and is overrun with guys of no importance. It isn't the talent's fault that so many of them have been made to feel like losers to the fans - that's on the booking. But when practically two thirds of the entrants in the Royal Rumble are just filler who draw little to no reaction, that should be a cause for concern. Out of the first 10 guys, only two of them - Bryan and Wyatt - were top stars, while the rest were either barely midcard, one-off returns or comedy acts. Just looking at the list it's crazy how many jobbers there were in this match. And both Sheamus and Randy Orton were reportedly on-site and available but not used. It's a real issue that WWE needs to work on fixing immediately.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.