10 Things WWE Did Wrong At The Royal Rumble

6. Putting Daniel Bryan In The Rumble

Can someone please explain what WWE gained by bringing Daniel Bryan back before his expected return, having him make his big announcement and putting him in the Royal Rumble? Since his return to action, he's lost to Bray Wyatt and had a few SmackDown matches. Was that really necessary? There's zero positives for the company from his return. If you weren't going to book him to win then why even put him in the match? The Reigns backlash was the most easily predictable outcome in years, and yet they stubbornly forged ahead with it. It would be understandable of there was some huge boost from bringing Bryan back otherwise, but since all it did was enrage your fan base, it's impossible to find a sufficient reason. Had he waited until after WrestleMania to return - or even until just after the Rumble - the outrage would have been much less severe. We can't be furious about a guy not winning if we still think he's out injured. But instead they threw it in their audience's face. But if you're going to put him in there...

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.