10 Things About WWE You Didn't Get Until You Were Older

9. What€™s So Great About Head Anyway?

When WWE picked up Al Snow from ECW, the wrestler was at the height of his popularity, thanks in large part to his unhinged gimmick which prominently featured a mannequin head that he would carry around and talk to. During his ECW tenure, hundreds of replica Styrofoam heads were given out to fans and it was a great bit of audience participation that really helped to get Snow over with the crowd. Then, as tends to be a general trend, the WWE milked it to death. Not only was €˜Head€™ given its own personality, it also became the subject of a never-ending slew of oral sex jokes. Snow€™s entrance music would kick off with him screaming €˜What does everybody want?€™ The answer, of course, was head. Get it? It€™s the kind of innuendo that€™s almost harmless because, really, it probably only resulted in adult fans snickering while clueless kids just went along for the ride. The angle would go in an especially strange direction when he would be teamed up with martial arts expert Steve Blackman in a team which would be dubbed Head Cheese, because of the aforementioned inanimate body part and € uhh€ Blackman€™s apparent love (or possible hate) of the dairy product. Hey, it was the Attitude Era. Don€™t ask too many questions.
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Al Snow
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I am a writer and stand-up comedian living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I didn't witness the Bret Hart screw job in person, but I did watch the Breaking Point PPV live and that was terrible it its own way. I am dangerously obsessed with professional wrestling and its surrounding culture. I am the current ring announcer for a local fed called the IWS. I got to introduce Tommy Dreamer a while back. My head almost exploded. I am a mark, and proud of it. I also co-host a podcast called Go Plug Yourself, which has featured quite a few local wrestlers and even Mick Foley. Speaking of the Mickster, I once got to be his warmup act when he was in town for comiccon. My head actually exploded that time. I've recovered... sort of.