10 Things About WWE You Didn't Get Until You Were Older

10. Paul Bearer = Pallbearer

In February 1991, Brother Love made the announcement that he was passing his client, The Undertaker, on to a new manager. This new manager€™s name? Paul Bearer. It€™s a groaner pun name if there ever was one, but it fit perfectly with The Undertaker€™s name and character. But think about the extent of the average kid€™s vocabulary, and think about how many funerals the average kid has experienced in comparison to the number of funerals an adult in their 20s or 30s will have an experienced. €˜Paul Bearer€™ isn€™t an especially strange name; it€™s actually pretty normal, especially in comparison to other manger names like Captain Lou Albano, of Bobby €˜The Brain€™ Heenan. Besides those who grew up in a mortuary, there are probably vey few kids out there who know that a person who carries the casket at a funeral is officially known as a pallbearer. And then came the day where, for whatever reason, the term became familiar and you may have thought €˜Hey, that kind of sounds like the Undertaker€™s€ ohhhhhhhh€..€™
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Al Snow
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I am a writer and stand-up comedian living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I didn't witness the Bret Hart screw job in person, but I did watch the Breaking Point PPV live and that was terrible it its own way. I am dangerously obsessed with professional wrestling and its surrounding culture. I am the current ring announcer for a local fed called the IWS. I got to introduce Tommy Dreamer a while back. My head almost exploded. I am a mark, and proud of it. I also co-host a podcast called Go Plug Yourself, which has featured quite a few local wrestlers and even Mick Foley. Speaking of the Mickster, I once got to be his warmup act when he was in town for comiccon. My head actually exploded that time. I've recovered... sort of.