10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Abyss

2. Abyss Almost Joined WWE Before WrestleMania XIX

The Undertaker Abyss WrestleMania XIX
Impact Wrestling/WWE

On an episode of Ring Rust Radio in January 2015, Abyss openly talked about rumours claiming he'd almost been signed by WWE in 2003; the rumours stemmed from comments Tommy Dreamer had made on Steve Austin's podcast about interest in his new masked gimmick from WWE writers.

To Abyss, the overtures weren't nearly serious enough, so he chose to take a punt on TNA instead.

Imagine how different things could've been had Abyss signed a WWE deal back then. Amazingly (according to Dreamer), his masked monster character was in the running to face The Undertaker at WrestleMania XIX. That would surely have been better than 'Taker facing Big Show and A-Train in a clunky handicap match.

Abyss didn't seem to care when the interviewer brought up his 'Mania potential. He said he'd "1000% make the same decision again" and pick TNA in a heartbeat. Either this was Abyss trying to sound good to the media or he legit didn't think WWE were very interested in bringing him in.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.