10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Abyss

1. And Again In 2006

Abyss Tna

Things were a bit less cloudy three years later.

During a podcast chat on The Pancakes and Powerslams Show in 2018, Abyss revealed that WWE had contacted him about working something out in 2006. At the time, he saw real potential in the TNA brand and didn't flinch even when they waved the 'Taker carrot in front of him again. That took some balls.

Abyss said he had "no regrets" about knocking WWE's proposal back, and went on to say, "I was such a big part of TNA's beginning. I was such a home-grown talent, a base talent who they were building around, so I decided to stay". Again, if all this is true and WWE did come calling, it was brave to turn them down.

2006 was a big year for Abyss in TNA, admittedly. He had cool feuds with Christian Cage, Samoa Joe and Sting over the NWA Title, and he was able to continue his hardcore mayhem without many restrictions. Maybe he didn't feel he'd get that kind of freedom in WWE.

What else do you know about ex-Impact star Abyss? Let us know down in the comments section below!

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