10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Abyss

4. He Once Pulled Double Duty As Two Different Characters

Abyss Joseph Park Unmasked TNA

After beating Bully Ray in a 'Monster's Ball' speciality match at Genesis in January 2012, Abyss was attacked backstage and disappeared. The next week, fans were introduced to his alter ego (and supposedly Abyss' brother) Joseph Park. The mild-mannered oaf was a massive departure from playing a masochistic monster.

Somehow, the big guy nailed it.

On 'Killing The Town', Abyss gave credit to Eric Bischoff for coming up with the idea. It allowed him to show his promo chops away from his typical character, and it showed the disparity between real human being (Park) and over-the-top, almost superhero-like Abyss. This period is a criminally underrated one in the man's career.

Eventually, the Abyss gimmick returned, and that made things even more impressive. Within the span of the same episode, Abyss and Joseph played two completely unique roles that were nothing alike. It's that kind of attention to detail we can't wait to see from him in WWE.

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