10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Abyss

5. He's One Of Only Seven TNA Hall Of Famers

Abyss TNA Hall Of Fame Impact Wrestling

It wasn't 'Silent Night, Bloody Night' that turned Abyss into an Impact Wrestling Hall Of Fame inductee though. No, it was years of sacrifice for a company that had undergone countless changes, and the man's enduring popularity under the mask contributed too.

In October 2018, the night before Bound For Glory, Abyss was honoured and became only the seventh act to enter the TNA/Impact Hall.

That evening, he joined Sting, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, Earl Hebner, Gail Kim and Team 3D as members of the HOF, and he (arguably more so than anyone else) seemed genuinely touched by the sentiment. That's likely because the guy, like Jarrett, was literally there from the beginning and had watched Impact morph, grow and shrink.

It was a pretty fitting end to his 16+ years of service.

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