10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Charlotte

10. She Was Born In Charlotte

As quaint as it sounds, Charlotte does indeed share her name with the city in which she was born and raised; Charlotte, NC. But before we incur the wrath of the much-loved Katie Hopkins, it€™s worth noting that Charlotte is purely her in-ring name. Born Ashley Fliehr, her pro wrestling alias is presumably something of an homage to her roots tracing back to an area of the world affectionately dubbed €œFlair County€. If you€™re still finding this a little too corny though, don€™t blame it on Charlotte herself €“ she confirmed on her Twitter that the name was actually given to her by WWE. For me though, it€™s a good name choice. It acknowledges her roots and family history, but does so in a way that allows her to step out from her father€™s sizeable shadow and literally make her own name for herself.
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