10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Charlotte

9. A Natural Athlete

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slgML8ZSCbQ&feature=youtu.be&t=3m21s Just by looking at her, it€™s plain to see that Charlotte is impressively athletic. But it€™s only after further inspection of her earlier sports career that we realise the true extent of that athleticism. She was a gymnast for most of her life before taking up a plethora of sports including basketball, track, volleyball, cheerleading and even diving. Given her obvious versatility, it€™s no surprise that she€™s taken very quickly to the world of professional wrestling. Furthermore her years spent in the field of gymnastics have no doubt aided her transition to the squared-circle. I guess the only worry here is that she€™ll soon be leaving to try her hand at one of the few sports that she€™s yet to dabble in yet.
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