10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Chelsea Green

1. Green Didn't Know Ryder's History

Zack Ryder

Again, Green wasn't a big wrestling fan 10 years ago, and so she missed Zack's 'Internet Champion' routine completely. Whenever he'd bring up something he'd done in the past on early dates, she'd smile, nod and try not to look totally confused. Unfortunately for Ryder, she had no clue what he was talking about.

Woo, woo, what titles did you win again, babe?

There's something sweet about all this though. To Chelsea, it was more about getting to know Zack the man than being attracted to his prior work. Since they've become a more settled couple, she has dipped into a little Ryder history on YouTube and had a chuckle at his work.

It might be a little easier for both to keep their relationship purring now they work for the same promotion. Emphasis on 'might'. The NXT schedule is different from the main roster, so it may still be hard for them to get substantial time together. That gives Chels some time to catch up on old episodes of the 'True Long Island Story'.

What else do you know about Chelsea Green? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.