10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Jushin Liger

9. He Was Originally Told By New Japan That He Was 'Too Small' To Be A Wrestler

It's hard to believe, considering the immense success he had in the company, but New Japan Pro Wrestling initially told Liger that he was 'too small' to be a wrestler and denied him entry to their dojo training programme (notoriously the toughest in wrestling). Unfazed by being turned away, Liger instead took his life savings and flew himself to Mexico, where smaller wrestlers were more accepted, and began training there. While learning in Mexico, Liger almost starved to death because he had no so little money. When New Japan officials visited the country, they saw Liger and were shocked by how the pathologically determined young man looked. Feeling sorry for him, they invited him back to Japan to train in their dojo. While in the dojo, it was clear that Liger was going to become something special.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...