10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Renee Michelle

Renee's real life has been more varied than WWE's 24/7 Title division...

Drake Maverick Renee Michelle

Every good comedian needs a solid supporting act to bounce off of, and that's exactly why Drake Maverick's long-suffering on screen wife Renee Michelle deserves so much credit. She's quickly become a fun character in her own right, and the couple must be loving their exploits in the zany WWE 24/7 Title division.

The thing is, as the summary line for this article suggests, Renee's real life before meeting Maverick and achieving WWE stardom was every bit as colourful and interesting as these current 24/7 shenanigans have been. Her story is one of defying a strict upbringing to become a personal and professional success.

Not many others can look back on martial arts trophies, street racing cred that'd put the cast of Fast & Furious to shame and time spent dressing up as Lara bloody Croft. Michelle can reflect on all of that, and her rise means there's no better time than now to learn more about her busy life and unlikely wrestling career.

Here's everything WWE fans need to know about "Mrs. Maverick" before she blows up even further and/or "consummates" a marriage that's already been fruitful for both parties...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.