10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Renee Michelle

5. She Suffered A Nasty Triple Tear Injury Last Year

Drake Maverick R-Truth Renee Michelle

Just over five years after launching her in-ring career, Renee suffered a heartbreaking setback during a match on 13 July 2018. During a match on the indy scene, she tore her ACL, MCL and medial meniscus all at once, and was forced to sit on the sidelines for an entire year.

Her first match back was on the 29 July 2019 episode of Raw.

There, she teamed with husband Drake Maverick in a barmy 24/7 Title tag-team match against R-Truth and Carmella that somehow ended up with Mike Kanellis leaving with the championship. Such is life in the weird 24/7 world, but at least Renee got to appear in an official match on WWE's flagship show. That had to feel good after suffering such a nasty injury.

The triple tear is firmly in her rear view mirror though. Post-Raw match, Renee also wrestled for Booker T's Reality Of Wrestling promotion in a three-way on 17 August against Kiera Hogan and Aja Perera. Maybe she'll get to do more WWE work soon.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.