10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Rob Gronkowski

5. He's Taking WWE Very Seriously

Rob Gronkowski Gym

Gronk is dead f*cking serious about this too.

Mojo told 'Busted Open' that he's super-mindful of embarrassing himself, and he knows his celebrity means there's some extra pressure. Select wrestling fans will be licking their lips at the thought of Gronkowski falling flat on his face. He's aware of that, and it's why he's working so hard to ensure he succeeds.

Rob is training at WWE's Performance Center for his debut, but preparations have been interrupted by a certain (ongoing) worldwide health pandemic. That's unfortunate, Rawley says, and yet it won't stop Gronk from giving his all to become a credit to his new employer - he doesn't half-ass anything, and he "knows how unforgiving the WWE Universe can be".

That's only half the battle though. Gronk will be under serious scrutiny when he pulls on some boots and finally works an on screen match. On the bright side, anyone who followed his NFL career knows that he's willing to put a shift in.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.