10 Things WWE Fans Need To Know About Rob Gronkowski

6. His WWE Tilt Is "10 Years In The Making"

Mojo Rawley Rob Gronkowski

Mojo wasn't the only one who always talked about trying out for WWE.

Rob was the same, and Rawley told 'Busted Open Radio' that Gronk's tilt is "10 years in the making". That's a little nugget of information some doubters might gloss over when they're rolling eyes at 'some NFL player' joining the company. This isn't some overnight snap-decision from Gronkowski.

He's a lifelong WWE fan, one who always planned to give it a whirl when he eventually hung up his cleats. Mojo said he'd go over to Gronk's house every week to watch wrestling on TV for years, and they'd continually chew over the idea of training to become wrestlers. That, according to Rawley, was what pushed Gordon to give Rotunda a call.

Rawley was a free agent and looking for an NFL team to pin his hopes on when Rob and Gordon suggested he give wrestling a try. Now, almost a decade on, it's Gronkowski who is looking to get involved and start working matches.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.