10 Things WWE Fans Should Be Thankful For Right Now

8. Women's Wrestling

For years and years, fans bemoaned the sorry state of female wrestling in WWE. It was all about sexy bodies and skin-bearing for so long, then when the PG era came along, it became this sort of none-entity. It was still about women who were models, but now they weren't even given the opportunity to be overtly sexual. Instead, fans were left with short sub-three minute matches that demonstrated basic action but really, it was still WWE trying to parade women around as eye candy. Now, all that has changed (at least to some degree). You've got the likes of Charlotte and Sasha Banks on Raw, talented wrestlers who are showing that women's matches can be an attraction based upon quality in-ring action and genuine competitiveness. There's still some way to go, but it is already a much better situation than what was around a few years ago with LayCool and the like. Even Nikki Bella was having really good matches recently, which should tell you a lot. The improvement in WWE's women's division is something to be grateful for, unless you hark for the days of paddle on a pole matches.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.