10 Things WWE Fans Should Be Thankful For Right Now
7. Indie Wrestlers
Another thing that the internet wrestling community fans would constantly bemoan was WWE's ignorance of indie wrestlers and the style of that type of wrestling. Well, in 2015, those fans should be a lot happier - the company has several "king of the indie" type wrestlers on the roster. Furthermore, they are in many instances of them getting to work a version of the style that IWC fans wanted to see in WWE. For example, take a look at Neville and Kevin Owens. Just look at some of the moves and sequences they were busting out on Raw the other week. Wrestlers like that wouldn't have had an opportunity in WWE a decade ago. They'd have been stuck on Velocity, most likely. And they definitely wouldn't have had the opportunity to be doing such indie style moves, even if they were on the weekend show. WWE has a whole other flavour in 2015, one that all wrestling fans should savour and be thankful for.