10 Things WWE Got Right In WrestleMania 32 Season

1. Sticking To Triple H Vs Roman Reigns

The WrestleMania 32 main event may go down as one of the most controversial ever, but WWE absolutely did the right thing by sticking to their plan. Succeed or fail, they had to give Roman Reigns the opportunity. Whether he goes on to become a John Cena, or fades away as a Diesel, only time will tell. Despite fan pressure, and creative errors, they've stayed course with Reigns and he'll at least have the chance to become the franchise. The creative has certainly been what let him down in the last few months, but who is to say that a strong WrestleMania performance can't turn it all around for the Big Dog? The long term planning for Reigns as the franchise goes back two years. WWE holding their nerve isn't a bad thing, the project has been severely tested in the last few months, but coming through the adversity could ultimately make him stronger. People are certainly talking, and despite the poor build, both fans and critics will be watching the WrestleMania main event with a keen eye on Reigns.
WWE Writer

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