10 Things WWE Got Right In WrestleMania 32 Season

2. WWE Business

The WWE business performance in the past few months is something that Vince McMahon and company can reflect positively upon. They've got it right in terms of promoting the Mania brand, with increased exposure on things like ESPN and other media spotlights. There's little doubt that Mania is going to be a commercial success, and therefore the entire point of Mania season can be reflected upon positively. Indeed, the show has sold enough tickets to set a new WWE attendance record. A new WWE Network subscription record is also expected. It is difficult to criticise WWE's WrestleMania season when it is has made so much money and set up interest in seeing both the good and the bad on April 3.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.