10 Things WWE Got Right In WrestleMania 32 Season

3. Dean Ambrose's Rise

Out of all the wrestlers on the roster, Dean Ambrose has gained the most from this WrestleMania season. He's significantly more over than he was a few months ago, having benefited from being booked in major feuds against huge names like Triple H and Brock Lesnar. He rose to the occasion in tremendous fashion, and has delivered some of his finest mic and ring work in the last few weeks. He's WWE's success story of this WrestleMania season, and will be coming out of it in a far greater position than he was at the start. Whether he defeats Brock Lesnar or not, he's gained from being the WrestleMania co-main event. He'll be a strong contender for match of the night on April 3, and his future is looking far brighter. The irony is that the booking of Roman Reigns has made Ambrose more over, in a case reminiscent of the Daniel Bryan / Batista effect.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.