10 Things WWE Messed Up At WrestleMania 32

The Show of Shows quickly became the Fail of Fails.

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One day removed from the Show of Shows, the taste left in the mouth is not a sweet one.

It wasn’t that WrestleMania 32 was necessary a bad show; we were after all treated to a visual masterclass of performance once again and there were plenty of highlight moments.

However, looking beyond the highlight reel, the execution of stories and match finishes particularly left a lot to be desired.

A number of the results only serve as fuel to the argument that WWE is out of touch with what its passionate fans want. In fact, some of the results were downright mind-boggling.

Compared to this time last year, when fans were eagerly awaiting the following night's episode of Raw, there is little reason to be excited for what will happen next.

These are 10 things WWE completely messed up at WrestleMania 32...

10. The Kickoff Show

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Talk about two hours of our lives we can never get back.

The WrestleMania 32 Kickoff Show featured three matches: Kalisto vs Ryback for the United States Championship, The Usos vs The Dudley Boyz, and the 10-woman Divas tag team match. Not that most of the live crowd were able to enter the arena for two of them.

The matches weren't particularly bad - excluding the Divas match which was a horrible waste of everyone's time - but the Kickoff Show should be designed to draw in those without a WWE Network subscription. If you were watching on YouTube or the USA Network, chances are you weren't swayed.

The 80-odd minutes between matches was mostly used to air overplayed promos that have been doing the rounds for the last two weeks. The pre-show match hype was a carbon copy of what was presented on SmackDown just three nights earlier.

It was a two-hour kick-off for the sake of having a two-hour kick-off, nothing more. Aside from Lita revealing the new WWE Women's Championship, the show did very little to create buzz for WWE's biggest event of the year.


Overly-opinionated Australian WWE smark who is definitely not #booty. Slowly angering the IWC one article at a time. We will probably strongly dislike each other - let's be friends! @MattKMarsden