10 Things WWE Must Do At Starrcade 2017

9. Create A Retro-Themed Set

Starrcade 1994

Get that HD set out of here, WWE. It has no place on an event titled Starrcade, and we don't care if it is 2017 either. Remember that old entrance ramp the NWA and WCW would use? Y'know, the one that was level with the ring and allowed for endless back body drops out of the ring onto it? Bring that back!

At the very least, give us old school fans the chilling spectacle of a retro-themed set that brings Starrcade memories flooding back. That unique ramp is an option, and so is that glittery blue curtain they used at Starrcade '94. This is way more important than it may seem at first. Starrcade 2017 cannot look like any other WWE show.

If the set just looks the same as Raw, SmackDown, or any random pay-per-view, then WWE are missing a trick. Yes, a modern update on old sets is acceptable, but let's avoid making this seem run-of-the-mill. That's why the '94 set would be perfect. It looked like a house show anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.