10 Things WWE Must Do At Starrcade 2017

8. Pay Tribute To Dusty Rhodes

Dusty Rhodes WCW Promo Pic

Starrcade was the brain child of one 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes, so it's important that he is properly credited for the event's creation on 25 November. There's also talk of Cody Rhodes making a brief WWE comeback too, and that'd go a long way towards establishing some kind of emotional link to the old shows.

One thing WWE must do is pay tribute to the old Dusty Rhodes, sans polka dots. We're talking the baby-faced warrior for the common man who had people's pulses racing back in his heyday of the 1980s. The same Dusty who battled Ric Flair and The Four Horsemen is the one Starrcade should focus on, not the cartoon monster WWE created.

The announcers (whoever they are) will mention Rhodes on commentary, there's no doubt about that. WWE should go a step further and prepare a special video package properly thanking Dusty for his contributions to the business and for coming up with such a huge event before WrestleMania.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.